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187 Downs Road, Sebec, Sebec
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Last Updated:
2/7/2023 2:18 PM

BEAU's Web Page

German Shepherd Dog (short coat)  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Adult  : :  Medium

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Gorgeous GSD with severe rear leg injuries waiting treatment

About BEAU

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: Tan/Yellow/Fawn with Black
  • Color: Bicolor
  • Location: 78016
  • Microchipped: Yes
  • Housetrained: Yes


BEAU was saved by Give a Dog a Home - San Antonio, German Shepherd Dog Rescue (GaDaH) from a kill shelter. Severely under-nourished, a twisted body, due to having to support his right rear leg that cannot be used. On a visit to our vets, Callaghan Road Animal Hospital, SA, it was determined that BEAUs leg is deformed and due to the lack of growth will have caused him considerable pain over the years.

BEAU was scheduled for surgery the following day, to have his leg amputated, which was the only option to allow him to be pain free, to give him a chance to get his posture back to normal and to not have to carry around the technical "dead weight" of his deformed leg.

Before surgery blood work revealed that BEAU had abnormal kidney levels, and further tests show that he is in the EARLY STAGES of Kidney Disease. 

Surgery has been post-poned until early October, and we are feeding BEAU a low protein / low sodium diet to help with his blood levels, in order to prepare him for surgery.

GaDaH has had a GSD have his rear amputated, and also 3 GSD's have Femoral Head Ostectomy (FHO - hip joint removed) and knows that recovery is pretty quick considering the intensity of the surgery. The dogs are up and about within a few days, they are obviously on pain meds, and other necessary medications for the first few weeks. 

BEAU will be kept on moderately low sodium diet, and we have volunteers that are offering to cook "home-made" recipes to give them more taste, variety and goodness. There is lots of studies stating that in the early stages, the diet just needs to be moderated and only in the late medium/ late stages of Kidney Disease does the diet need to be dramatically change. We will be doing more of our own research on this.

In the mean time, we are asking for donations to BEAU's surgery, and also we are hoping to find a perfect family that can give BEAU a great life. Since he is in the early stages he could have at least another 4 years ahead of him - and his personality is so sweet. Please share with anyone you may know that would love to adopt an amazing sweet, intelligent boy. Who has already had no doubt all of his life in pain and suffering. 

BEAU will be available for adoption after all treatment has been complete, to the right family he maybe able to go during his recovery, but a relationship will need to be built up - so he can gain trust as whatever surgery / treatment he has - will no doubt be painful.

I cannot tell you how sweet he is, and how great he adapted. He would make an excellent therapy dog, he has the perfect temparment, and injuries that disabled/wounded people can relate too.

If you would like to follow BEAU's new chapter, please go to the Give a Dog a Home - San Antonio Facebook page.

If you would like to donate  - we have paypal - or you can donate directly to our vets - Callaghan Road Animal Hospital, San Antonio

If you would like anymore information - please email Jenny -

BEAU will be available for adoption after all treatment has been complete, to the right family he maybe able to go during his recovery, but a relationship will need to be built up - so he can gain trust as whatever surgery / treatment he has - will no doubt be painful.

I cannot tell you how sweet he is, and how great he adapted. He would make an excellent therapy dog, he has the perfect temparment, and injuries that disabled/wounded people can relate too.

If you would like to follow BEAU's new chapter, please go to the Give a Dog a Home - San Antonio Facebook page.

If you would like to donate  - we have paypal - or you can donate directly to our vets - Callaghan Road Animal Hospital, San Antonio

If you would like anymore information - please email Jenny -

More about BEAU

Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids

Video of BEAU:

Other Pictures of BEAU (click to see larger version):