Applications are processed within 24 hours of being received (as long as we are able to speak to references) and hopefully approved.
Appointments are to be scheduled to meet the dog and then hopefully take home if the meeting goes well. We try to get appointments as soon as possible after applications have been approved.
Availability is possible weekdays, weekends and evenings.
Please read and answer all questions thoroughly.
It is ADVISED to not work on this application on a phone, some people have issues, spend time completing it, only to have problems submitting it.
If the form won't submit then it is something that has been missed or not completed properly, there is nothing we can do and ONLY accept applications through this form.
All pets are located at the rescue in Sebec, Maine. If you see a dog posted in another state, the dog is still located at the rescue in Sebec. Be sure to check the distance and decide if you are willing and able to travel here.
We are a rescue, not a staffed funded shelter. We do not allow walk-in's we work strictly on an appointment basis only. Appointments are only given once applications have been approved.
We post in various states along the east coast and Canada where we have had lots of successful adoptions to enable more exposure for these beautiful saved souls. Families will need to be prepared to travel to the rescue to meet and take home their new best friend. Sebec is located just outside the towns of Dover-Foxcroft and Milo (approx 8 miles) and approx 45 miles from Bangor. There are also lots of hotels, motels, pet friendly accommodations and wonderful camp-sites for the more adventurous families and what a great way to get to know your new best friend. Adoption fee's are in US DOLLARS.
We cannot / will not process applications if information is missing or incorrect.
Applicants MUST be 21 years or older to adopt a pet from GaDaH
This is a LONG application, this is because we take this process seriously and the more information we can gather, the better we are able to be sure it is a right fit for the dog and family. We ALWAYS take our pets back should it not work out, in fact this is written into the adoption contract you will complete if you are approved, however, it is best for pets, families and the rescue if we get it right the first time in finding the perfect forever home. We appreciate you understanding and being part of the solution in saving dogs lives.
Please be sure to check your email specifically because if we are not able to respond to receiving the application, we are not able to move forward on processing it. This happens often!
We DO contact current and former veterinarians and references.
Due to the rescue being extremely busy and not sat at a desk all day - most correspondence, other than application interviews is conducted by email.
We reserve the right to deny an adoption for any reason at our sole discretion.
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone
Alt Email
If you put a PO box address, please provide the FULL physical address of your home.*
Adoption Fee of Dog - all adoption fee's are US Dollars (we are a charity and are not in a position to offer a payment program. If you cannot afford the full-fee at the time of adoption, either ask a family member or friend to help, or you will have to wait to adopt until you are able to pay the fee in full)*
Name of Dog Interested in Adopting* Choose an animal: ANN AUBREY AUTUMN AVERY BINKY - $150 BLAZE BROOKLYN BUDDY-BOY CARMEN DENVER DEXTER -$150 DINKY GANDALF - $150 GEYRAN - Front Leg Amputee - $150 HATTIE - $150 JENNY-POOH KODA - $300 LIL-BETH - bonded with Pheobe LULA - $150 MARGO - $300 MATEO MERLIN - $150 PENNY - located in PA PHEOBE bonded with Lil-Beth PICO RITA - $150 RODNEY ROGER - $150 SAMSON SANDY-CHEEKS SASHA SNOWBALL - $300 SUKI - $150 TANIA - $300 THEO TOBY WILLOW-Boy
Please confirm by writing the town and state the rescue is located that you will come to meet the dog of your choice. This is required because people do not understand where the dogs are located.*
How soon are you able to travel to the rescue in Sebec, Maine to meet your new family member and take home? Applications are generally processed and hopefully approved with in 1-3 days. DO NOT put a day you have no intentions of being able to come as this will be used as the tentative appointment date. *
Best times to contact you.*
Once approved to adopt you will be invited to the rescue in Sebec, Maine to meet the dog/s of your choice, where if all goes well you will then all travel home together. No dog will leave the rescue without the adoption fee being paid in full. Adoption fee's are in $ US. Please print your name to confirm you understand.*
Please provide your date of birth*
Have you applied with any other rescue* Choose one: Yes No
I understand that when a dog is rehomed, it can be a traumatic experience. Some dogs adapt straight away, other dogs take anything up to several weeks to adjust to once again being moved from where they felt safe and loved to start over again. I agree to give the dog time to adapt to its new surroundings and routine, to spend time ensuring it feels loved. I understand that energetic dogs in the rescue, could initially be quiet and reserved until they have adapted and accepted our family and home as their own.*
It is important that you research the breed, characteristics, size and lifestyle of the dog that you are interested in, to be sure that you can provide for the dog, physically, mentally and financially throughout it's life.
Presumed breed of the dog you are hoping to adopt*
Presumed age of the dog / cat you are hoping to adopt*
Why are you interested in this dog particular?*
Name, breed and age of 2nd dog, or 2nd choice back-up. It is common for us to get more than one application for our dogs, so it is best to have a back-up. Choose an animal: ANN AUBREY AUTUMN AVERY BINKY - $150 BLAZE BROOKLYN BUDDY-BOY CARMEN DENVER DEXTER -$150 DINKY GANDALF - $150 GEYRAN - Front Leg Amputee - $150 HATTIE - $150 JENNY-POOH KODA - $300 LIL-BETH - bonded with Pheobe LULA - $150 MARGO - $300 MATEO MERLIN - $150 PENNY - located in PA PHEOBE bonded with Lil-Beth PICO RITA - $150 RODNEY ROGER - $150 SAMSON SANDY-CHEEKS SASHA SNOWBALL - $300 SUKI - $150 TANIA - $300 THEO TOBY WILLOW-Boy
Have you ever owned a this breed of dog before?*
From your experience or research, how long (average) does this breed live?*
Are you familiar, or have researched breed characteristics, common medical conditions and other needs the dog will require? Please explain!*
Do you understand that until a dog is in it's new home, there is no way of knowing how it will react, happy, fearful, anxious ect. What steps are you prepared to take to deal with a dog that might have issues during it's transition to its new home, family and life?*
Describe how you will train the pet*
Which company / trainer will be working with you? Please ensure you do your due-diligence before signing up with any trainer, or training organization - not all trainers are experienced or legitimate. GaDaH recommends that you find a trainer / organization that has EXPERIENCE with the breed of dog you are looking to adopt, for German Shepherds and working breeds this is very important due to their level of intelligence and drive. This is extremely important if you have a disability and are looking for a companion, therapy, or service dog!*
If adopting a large breed or working breed dog, do you intend training your dog to be a guard dog to your home or property? If yes please explain.*
How do you intend to provide the dog suitable exercise for its needs (age, breed, weight, energy level)?*
Please share information on your lifestyle, typical day, evening, weekend and you the dog will become part of your lifestyle *
Do you understand that dogs need to have MENTAL stimulation as much as physical exercise? How do you intend on achieving this?*
Where will the dog mainly be living? *
How much time will the animal spend alone during the day*
Where will the animal be kept when you are home*
Where will the animal be kept when you are not home*
Will you provide anything for the dog to keep entertained whilst you are not home? Please explain.*
Where will the animal sleep*
List all reasons that would make you want to return your adopted dog!*
Have you ever given up a pet? If yes, please explain*
What steps would you take if after a few weeks of being in it's new home, getting over the "honeymoon period" when everything is all fun and new, the dog starts to show protective behaviour?*
Would you consider any kind of cosmetic surgery on your dog, ears cropped, tails docked etc. If yes, what and the reason why?*
If the dogs ears were semi-erect would you have them "taped" or a medical procedure to make them stand up? *
Your dog will come with "current" rabies vaccination, this could however be due to expire within a month of you getting them. What are the rabies vaccines requirement within your county.*
Although your dog is micro-chipped do you intend having "dog ID tags" made to be worn on it's collar. So in the event of escape or getting lost, people can quickly relocate them back to you?* Choose one: Yes, we intned to get ID Tags No, we do not feel the need for ID Tags
Are you aware that most cities require you to register your pet * Choose one: Yes - it is required in the town I live in. It is not required to register pets in the town I live in. I do not know if I have to register my pet, I will contact the local town office to inquire and make sure I am in compliance.
What are the leash-laws in your town/city/state?*
What brand / kind of food do you currently feed your dog? *
Dog Food Advisor link to search your brand.
What brand / kind of food do you intend feeding your new dog?*
Why have you chosen that particular brand / type of food?*
What rating does Dog Food Advisor give your brand of food and will you stay with this same food brand?*
Are you aware that it can cause potential joint or orthopedic problems if you give plenty of exercise a puppy / young dog?
If you are interested in learning more - follow the link
If your dog has been saved from Texas or the south, it is important that you educate yourself on heartworm disease and the cycle of the egg to worms.
Are you aware that heartworm disease can ONLY be transmitted by mosquito's. In relation to where you live, how many months of the year are there mosquito's?*
In relation to where you live, what are your policies on heart-worm prevention? (year round, only in the summer, ect.) Reasons why you use this time-frame.*
It is important for us to understand your family situation and lifestyle to be sure that we can do our best to be sure the dog is a great fit.
It is also important that you discuss this potential adoption as a family and make sure everyone is on-board, happy and excited to add a new member to their family.
How would you describe your current activity level? What do you do for excercise?*
Do you suffer from any disabilities, sickness, or injury that would prevent you from caring for your pet, now and in the future - financially, physically and mentally?*
How many people live in the family home, please state relationship and age.*
Does anyone in your home have allergies to dogs? If yes, who and what are you going to do to combat this so everyone can live happily together?*
Is everyone committed to giving the pet a loving home for the rest of your pets life?*
Please list all other pets and or livestock currently living in the home, or on the property. *
Please provide in detail how you intend to introduce your new dog to family pets.*
What safety measures do you have, or are you going to put in place when taking a new dog home, when you already have other pets?*
How do you see your new dog fitting into your current and future lifestyle? *
Do you understand the IMPORTANCE of ensuring that all adults and children understand the correct way to approach, behave and handle the dog and that at times, they too just may want to be left alone? Please elaborate!*
Are you willing to accept that although "most" dogs, like "most" people, there could be times when the dog does not like certain people? Should this happen what action would you take? *
If your family / living arrangements change in the future, divorce, split up ect. what would you do about the dog? *
What behavior or circumstances would cause you to give up your pet? Please be as detailed as possible.*
Last 5 years employment history. Dates, company, position, length of employment.*
Are you financially capable to provide the best care for your pet should any injuries, illness, accidents or disabilities occur (dental, broken bones, hip dysplasia, arthiritis, cancer, diabetes, degenerative myelopathy, broken bones etc..)?*
If your financial circumstances change, would you be able to rely upon friends and family to help financially should an emergency occur that you are not able to cover?*
Have you and your family considered that a dog can live for up to 12-15 years, smaller dogs much longer?*
Are you now, or in 4-5 years going to be able to lift or assist the dog you are wanting to adopt? *
If the dog gets sick, injured or is diagnosed with a disease that means it will need assistance getting up, moving around, getting up and down stairs, how would you deal with the situation? *
In the unfortunate event of your death, who would be left to take care of your pet, are they in agreement and is this, or will it be noted in your will?*
If you rent, YOU must contact your landlord and ask them to provide you with a formal letter / email stating that you are allowed to have the pet/s you are applying for to live in your home for the duration of your stay there. Applications will not be processed until approval has been received.* Choose one: I have contacted my Landlord to write a permission letter/email. My landlord has denied my request. I do not rent, I own the home I am living in
Do you own or rent your home* Choose one: Rent Own Live with Parents
If you rent, have you received the approval of your landlord to have an animal Choose one: Yes No
If you rent, please enter your landlord's name and phone number. This is to be provided should we wish to verify, however, please note it is up to you to provide GaDaH with the landlords approval in writing. WE DO NOT CONTACT YOUR LANDLORD, YOU MUST PROVIDE THE INFORMATION REQUESTED.
In what type of home do you live* Choose one: Apartment Condominium Duplex Farm Military Housing Mobile Home Single Family Townhouse
Do you live near:
How would you describe your household?
Home features - check all that apply
Is your yard fenced* Choose one: No Yard Unfenced Yard Yard Partially Fenced Yard Completely Fenced
What type of fence* Choose one: Privacy Chain Link Invisible No Fence
What is the height of the fence*
If you do not have a fenced in back-yard, how do you intend to let your dog do his/her business, play, exercise*
We have recently, sadly have a few of our adopted dogs run off from either not a fenced in yard, or holes in the fence. Whilst we do not make it as a requirement to have a fenced in yard, we do expect people to take the security of their new pet seriously. What steps do you intend to take to ensure the dog is safe and secure at all times. You maybe asked to provide pictures or video.*
If and when you move, what will you do with your dog?*
What plans will you make for the dog during your vacation?*
We ALWAYS carry out vet checks on families who currently own or previously have owned any animal.
No exceptions!
If you do not take your pet to the vet, please explain why in as much detail as possible so we can take this into consideration.
Due to patient/client confidentiality, you MUST contact your veterinarian to give them permission to talk to GaDaH. Please do this now, if they are closed leave a message so that when we call, they have permission and there is no delay to processing your application* Choose one: I have called and spoke to someone to give permission - If you have NOT yet called your vet - DO NOT check this box, it is only if you have ACTUALLY called your vet. People struggle with this for some reason. I have called and left a voice message to give permission I attended in person to give permission prior to completing this application. I have not given permission yet and understand my application will not be processed until I inform the rescue that permission has been given. I do not have a pet now, nor have I owned any pets and so do NOT have a veterinarian at this time.
Please provide Veterinarian information Clinic/Hospital name Address *
Veterinarian Phone Number*
Please provide family name and phone number on account. *
Current or former veterinarians Opening times*
Pets currently being seen by this veterinarian Name Sex Species*
Date of current pets last annual veterinarian check-up. If longer than a year - please explain why!*
If you give monthly flea/tick preventative What do you use and where do you purchase it from? How often do you use it?*
Heartworm prevention is a prescription item. If you give monthly heartworm preventionwhat do you use and where do you purchase it from? How often do you use it?*
If you do not take your pet for annual wellness checks, have refused any treatment, blood work, x-rays, monthly preventatives - please explan your reasons for that so that we can take all things into consideration when processing your application.*
Former pets currently being seen by this veterinarian: Name Sex Species*
Pets that are deceased please list the cause of their death, age and if they were euthanized.*
Have you ever had a pet that was:* Choose one: Hit by a car Lost Poisoned Ran away Stolen z - None of the above
Please Explain circumstance and outcome of the above.*
Please provide TWO references of people who know you and your family, how are familiar with your lifestyle and are available and happy to talk to us.
We do NOT accept family members or people you are in a relationship with.
If you do not have a current of previous veterinarian we require THREE references.
Also provide the information of the vet you are going to be using, ensuring they are able to take you on as a new patient.
Check with your references to be sure they are comfortable and have flexible availability.
Delays in speaking to your references, could mean you miss out on adopting the pet of your choice.
References are a critical part of your application so please choose carefully.
Many times references do not have voicemail set up on their phone, this doesn't allow us to leave a message and will result in your application being delayed and you might miss out on the dog you are looking to adopt. You can provide additional references as "back-up" if we are not able to reach one of your primary references to help not delay the application process.
Name of Reference - No family members or people in a relationship with.*
Relationship of reference and how long they have known you. *
Home or Cell number of reference - please be sure to check the number and ensure it is working. WE DO NOT CALL WORK PHONE NUMBERS. It is advised that you ask your reference if they have voicemail set up, so we are able to leave a message.*
Time zone of reference and best times to call. Be sure to check - references that are not flexible could delay your application getting processed.*
Monday - Friday availability of reference (earliest - latest) Please ask them to provide best times to call. If they are not able to be flexible on their availability, it might delay your application getting processed.*
Saturday - Sunday availability of reference (earliest - latest) Please ask them to provide best times to call. If they are not able to be flexible on their availability, it might delay your application getting processed.*
Home or Cell number of reference - please be sure to check the number and ensure it is working. WE DO NOT CALL WORK PHONE NUMBERS. It is advised that you ask your refernce if they have voicemail set up, so we are able to leave a message.*
Name of Reference - No family members or people in a relationship with.
Relationship of reference and how long they have known you.
Home or Cell number of reference - please be sure to check the number and ensure it is working. WE DO NOT CALL WORK PHONE NUMBERS. It is advised that you ask your refernce if they have voicemail set up, so we are able to leave a message.
Time zone of reference and best times to call. Be sure to check - references that are not flexible could delay your application getting processed.
Monday - Friday availability of reference (earliest - latest) Please ask them to provide best times to call. If they are not able to be flexible on their availability, it might delay your application getting processed.
Saturday - Sunday availability of reference (earliest - latest) Please ask them to provide best times to call. If they are not able to be flexible on their availability, it might delay your application getting processed.
Any other information to support your application.*
I acknowledge that completion and submission of this application does not guarantee adoption of any animal from GaDaH. PRINT NAME*
I acknowledge that the above statements are true and accurately reflect my feelings for adopting an animal from Give a Dog a Home, German Shepherd Dog Rescue. PRINT NAME*
Date of Completion*
If any of the required fields are left empty the form will not submit and you may have to re-do the application so be sure to CHECK all fields are complete.
Once you hit the submit button it may take a few minutes for the form to process, do not hit submit again, be patient and check at the top of the form for confirmation of submittal.